Hoverboots Anonymous

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Persuation and Leadership Speech

So its been a long time, and i highly doubt anyone remembers this blog, but here goes anyways.

So on monday I did a persuasive speech on Capital Punishment. I used Hilton's (Drew's) monologs from the trial scene as my opening. Apparently It went amazingly well. I memorized nearly the entire powerpoint show and discarded my notes after the first slide. I brought the DMW t-shirt, both of Sr. Helen's books, and the script.

Like I said I used Hilton's monologs for the opening and then had the medical names appear as I did the "First we strap the guy up, anezthitize him with shot number one, then shot number two that implodes the lungs. Then shot number three that stops the heart..." and so on and so forth. Then I listed what is legal in the United States (leathal injection, electric chair, gas chamber, firing squad, and hanging) and then showed how many people have been exicuted by those means sence 1976 and who the last person to be exicuted by each of those and when (Firing Squad and Hanging was in 1996!). Then I listed all the states that had those types of exicution methods. Then I focused in on the United States in relation to other countries, which was followed by the arguments made to support capital punishment. then i spent the next 12 slides counter arguing all of those arguments. It was very effective and I was the last person to go, so i really made an impact. Plus I enjoyed revisting this subject again, despite how ugly and horrifing it might be.



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