Hoverboots Anonymous

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Friday, March 11, 2005

The Star Wars Episode III preview

Did anyone else see the Preview for SW:Ep. III ? Well no one here saw the original because we were at the play when it first aired, but Fox news had a repeat of it on the "Final Cut" section of their newscast. It was about three or four munites long. And it was AMAZING! Some of the scenes were:
-Yoda's lightsaber duel in the Senate Chamber.
-Mace Windo trying to arrest Chancilor Palpitine
-Palpitine wippin' out a red lightsaber and takin' out the Jedi
-Anakin being rejected by the Jedi Council
-General Grevious' army
-X-wing resibleing fighters
-And the coolest thing is in the middle of Anakin/Kenobi fight Obi-Wan yells, "You were the Chosen one!" It was intense. I can't wait for it to open in May!


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