Opening Night!
Yes We did it! Everyone did a great job and I was impressed by every single one of you. I don't know about all of you but I was expecting to go out there and be terrified, I thought I would have some stage fright and that I would screw up my lines, but as the evening progressed I started to feel less and less stressed. I realized that this was just another reherasal and that there was no reason for me to be nervous. I realized that all of you were there to support me and I was there to support you. Such a tremendous amount of pride swelled up inside of me durring our first standing ovation, it won't be the last. I was so glad that I was able to spend that night with each of you and I look forward to our next performances together. I have been part of plays before but all of which were as a technical assistant, and none of them compare with the sense of family that has developed between all of us. See you very soon.
At Sunday, March 06, 2005,
Ken Colwell said…
This blog is dead. Prove me wrong.
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