Hobbits are real! No really, they are!
On the secluded island of Flores just north of Australia in the middle of the indonesian islands they found the fossils of little people, that they have named hobbits. According to this article from National Geographic They believe that they are either an offshoot from the Homo sapiens species, or that they were once very simaler to us but then underwent an effect called island Dwarfing, where their bodies naturally evolve to fit thier island environment. Their Bones would have shrinked and then they would evolved to be smaller. The fossils that they found were only three feet tall. Just imagine a whole bunch of little humans three feet tall running around an island. The article also said that they were very smart despite their relativly small brain (the size of a Chimp) There is evidence of complex stone tools and that they hunted animals twice their size. However this does not explain why they were smart. The explination given is; it is a known fact that reptiles seem to thrive and grow large on island environments, (Look at the Komodo Dragon for instance) so it could be possible that they were both preditor and Prey. They would have had to have been smart to stay alive, natural selection; you know what I mean? But the most interesting thing to me is that they only went extinct 13,000 years ago. That is very recent in the terms of science.
Here are the sites:
On the secluded island of Flores just north of Australia in the middle of the indonesian islands they found the fossils of little people, that they have named hobbits. According to this article from National Geographic They believe that they are either an offshoot from the Homo sapiens species, or that they were once very simaler to us but then underwent an effect called island Dwarfing, where their bodies naturally evolve to fit thier island environment. Their Bones would have shrinked and then they would evolved to be smaller. The fossils that they found were only three feet tall. Just imagine a whole bunch of little humans three feet tall running around an island. The article also said that they were very smart despite their relativly small brain (the size of a Chimp) There is evidence of complex stone tools and that they hunted animals twice their size. However this does not explain why they were smart. The explination given is; it is a known fact that reptiles seem to thrive and grow large on island environments, (Look at the Komodo Dragon for instance) so it could be possible that they were both preditor and Prey. They would have had to have been smart to stay alive, natural selection; you know what I mean? But the most interesting thing to me is that they only went extinct 13,000 years ago. That is very recent in the terms of science.
Here are the sites:
At Tuesday, March 08, 2005,
X said…
You must mean cloning, not DNA testing, DNA testing is already a reality well so is cloning, but we don't have the experience or the power to create it from fossils yet.
At Sunday, July 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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